Jan 17, 2022 | News, Uncategorized
The North American Hockey League announced its Bauer Hockey Divisional Stars of the Week for week ending January 16 and Titans forward Chris Carroll was named the East Division’s star of the week while goaltender Andrew Takacs was named honorable mention. Carrol had...
Dec 20, 2021 | News, Uncategorized
The North American Hockey League announced its Bauer Hockey Divisional Stars of the Week for week ending December 19 and Titans forward Brendan Dumas was named the East Division’s star of the week while fellow forward Ryan Coughlin was named honorable mention. Dumas...
Dec 13, 2021 | News, Uncategorized
The North American Hockey League announced its Bauer Hockey Divisional Stars of the Week for week ending December 12 and Titans defenseman David Posma was named the East Division’s star of the week while forward Brandon Avezov was named honorable mention. Posma had...
Dec 6, 2021 | News, Uncategorized
The North American Hockey League announced its Bauer Hockey Divisional Stars of the Week for week ending December 5 and Titans forwards Anthony Calafiore and Chris Carroll were named honorable mention for the East Division. Calafiore had three points (2 goals and 1...
Nov 29, 2021 | News, Uncategorized
The North American Hockey League announced its Bauer Hockey Divisional Stars of the Week for week ending November 28 and Titans defenseman Anthony Mollica was named the East Division’s star of the week while forward Nick Ring was named honorable mention. Mollica had...